The Churchill Connecticut cigars, rolled in Ybor City, Tampa, are a premium hand-rolled cigar, crafted with the rich heritage of this historic cigar-making hub. These cigars are made with Nicaraguan tobacco, offering a bold yet balanced smoking experience. Here's a breakdown of the key technical details:
1. Size and Shape
- Length: 7 inches (175mm)
- Ring Gauge: 48 (approx. 19.8mm in diameter)
- Shape: Churchill – A long, straight, and thick cigar known for its smooth, consistent draw and longer smoking time.
2. Wrapper
- Type: Connecticut Shade wrapper, a light and smooth leaf grown in the Connecticut River Valley, known for its mild, creamy flavor with hints of nuts, grass, and mild spices.
- Flavor Profile: The Connecticut Shade wrapper offers a refined, smooth smoking experience that complements the bold Nicaraguan filler.
3. Filler
- The filler consists of a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, giving the cigar its medium to full-bodied strength. The Nicaraguan tobaccos contribute rich, earthy, and spicy flavors.
- Flavor Profile: The filler tobacco produces a complex flavor with notes of earth, wood, and subtle spices, creating a well-rounded smoking experience.
4. Binder
- The binder, often made from Nicaraguan or Dominican leaf, holds the filler together and enhances the flavor profile of the cigar.
5. Construction
- Hand-Rolled: Skilled artisans hand-roll these cigars in Ybor City, ensuring top-quality construction. The rolling process contributes to a smooth, consistent draw and an even burn.
6. Tobacco Aging
- The tobaccos are aged for several years to allow for the flavors to mature and mellow. This aging process helps to create a smooth, balanced flavor with less harshness.
7. Smoking Experience
- Draw: Expect a smooth, effortless draw that produces a steady stream of smoke.
- Burn: The cigar typically burns evenly, with a firm, white ash that holds well.
- Flavor: A medium to full-bodied cigar with creamy notes of earth, wood, and mild spices, resulting in a rich, mellow finish.
8. Location of Production
- Ybor City, Tampa: Known as the cigar capital of the U.S., Ybor City has a deep history of cigar production. The skilled craftsmanship and high-quality Nicaraguan tobacco used in these cigars reflect the area's long-standing cigar-making tradition.
9. Price Point
- These cigars are typically priced in the mid-range to premium category, offering excellent value for their quality. Ideal for both connoisseurs and casual smokers seeking a rich, flavorful experience.