How to Cut Different Cigars: A Guide for Cigar Enthusiasts

How to Cut Different Cigars: A Guide for Cigar Enthusiasts

Cutting a cigar is an essential step in preparing it for smoking, and the way you cut it can significantly impact your smoking experience. Different types of cigars require different cutting techniques to ensure a smooth draw and even burn. In this guide, we'll explore how to properly cut various types of cigars to enhance your enjoyment.

Types of Cigar Cuts

  1. Straight Cut (Guillotine Cut)
    • Best For: Parejos (straight-sided cigars), Toros, Churchills
    • How to Cut: Use a sharp guillotine cutter to make a quick, clean cut at the head of the cigar. Aim to cut just above the cap line, about 1/16th of an inch. This cut opens up the cigar for an easy draw while preserving the structure.
  2. V-Cut
    • Best For: Torpedoes, Belicosos, Cigars with thicker gauges
    • How to Cut: Position the cigar’s head into the V-cutter and press down firmly. The V-cut creates a wedge-shaped incision, which concentrates the smoke and enhances the cigar's flavors. This cut is ideal for cigars with thicker ring gauges.
  3. Punch Cut
    • Best For: Petit Coronas, Robustos, Smaller ring gauge cigars
    • How to Cut: A punch cutter makes a small circular hole in the cap of the cigar. Simply press the punch cutter into the center of the cigar’s head and twist gently. This cut limits the amount of tobacco drawn through, providing a concentrated flavor experience.
  4. Shuriken Cut
    • Best For: Any cigar (for a unique experience)
    • How to Cut: A Shuriken cutter creates multiple small slits around the cap, allowing for an even distribution of air without removing much of the cap. This innovative cut maintains the integrity of the cigar while delivering a smooth draw.

Tips for a Perfect Cut

  • Use a Sharp Cutter: A dull cutter can damage the cigar, leading to an uneven burn or a difficult draw. Invest in a quality cutter and keep it sharp.
  • Avoid Overcutting: Cutting too much off the cigar can cause it to unravel. Always aim to cut just above the cap line.
  • Practice Precision: The key to a great cut is precision. Take your time to ensure you make a clean and even cut, especially with more delicate cigars.


Knowing how to cut different types of cigars is a skill that can greatly enhance your smoking experience. By using the right technique and tools, you can ensure a smooth draw and enjoy the full range of flavors that your cigar has to offer.

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